
We essentially celebrated Thanksgiving two days ago, when we had a meal out with our neighbours on either side and Hillary, former owner of our house. It was a festive night for all. Hillary took a cab to the restaurant and home again and I saw Marshall slip the cab fare to the driver so Hillary got a free ride home. He is so thoughtful.

Today I interviewed the head of socially responsible investing for Mercer Inc. I used Mercer’s research in my thesis and wanted to pursue a line of questioning re. how institutional investors are responding to Mercer’s research on risks associated with climate change. I hope to develop this into an article for a trade publication.

Then I went to an informational meeting on careers in media in Northern Ireland, mainly because I think I might like to do the odd freelance piece. There had to be nearly 200 very keen young people there and the content was aimed at people willing to work long hours for low pay--been there, done that in a prior life.

Then David and I attended a BBC taping of a local comedy show called the Blame Game. Four local comedians and one guest comedian discuss/satirize topical issues. BBC Northern Ireland produces a lot of radio and TV programming locally, so we get free tickets to quite a few events. The nature of Northern Ireland politics is that there is never shortage of material. For instance, Scotland’s desire for independence means its nuclear submarines could lose their Scottish home. An Ulster politician suggested moving them to Lough Foyle in Derry. The joke is that Ulster spent decades getting rid of bombs and now they’re talking about importing them.