Thankful, part 2

I plan to return to the house tour, however I want to wait until I'm at Queen's, where photos load at lightning speed. At home I sit and watch the blue loading bar for a very long time.

For Thanksgiving dinner tonight, we hosted neighbor Kevin, from Thunder Bay, Canada, his adorable children, Milo and Charlie, and Ashley, an American from Portland who is doing a master's at Queen's in advance of going to law school. Kevin's wife was at a food conference in England. She has a small business that makes nut butters. He is a game designer whose game was just released. They are an interesting couple.

It was a very friendly, sociable evening. David did a great job with the dinner (seven sides and two pies--I really think he outdid himself). One thing left a bad taste in our mouths: the turkey cost 25 pounds, or about $40 (we're guessing it weighed 10 pounds). WTF? We don't know if that is normal here or if there was some weird supply-demand hiccup.