
Today I hiked with the Dynamos, a MeetUp walking group, for nearly two hours at Crawfordsburn Park. I talked to one person the whole time--usually I try to meet several people. But she’s really interesting--a Dubliner who spent her working life in England and has recently retired to Hollywood.

She tried to explain to me how the conservatives are expected to win by a landslide in a snap election in June, despite Brexit being more unpopular by the day; despite May's proposal to lower corporate taxes rubbing people the wrong way when Amazon, Starbucks etc. dodge taxes; despite the loathing over cuts to the NHS, and so on. Apparently the widely read Daily Mail is snookering people here as effectively as Fox News is in the U.S.

I got home, changed clothes, then went to a swing dance lesson. The teacher was fantastic. I’ve been to three lessons in the past month and feel wooden--stiff and lacking musicality. This teacher helped us put some attitude and some style into our moves, which makes it a lot more fun.

I spent the afternoon keeping an eye on Maysie, who isn’t feeling well. Then at 9 pm I went back to the swing dance hall for a social. I didn’t dance terribly well but I had fun. I love the music and I love to watch good dancers, of which there were many. I honestly don’t know if I will get better if I keep at it. I don’t know how much can be learned vs. how much is innate.