
I know I should shut up already about my failed attempts to set up an automated payment of my credit card. I rallied to try again today (fourth try). The Citadel site lets me select an amount to pay and a date to pay. It doesn’t allow me to automatically pay my credit card bill in full every month. So I called the dreaded phone tree to find someone who could explain how to do this.
She said click on eBill, not AutoPay. I did that and got an error message saying my bill could go to only one address. She explained that my credit card bill is being e-mailed to me. She said I have to call Bank of America and cancel that e-mail and have the bill e-mailed to Citadel. Then call them back to set up the automatic payment.
No. I’m done. I’ve spent hours on this. I will now go onto Citadel’s site every month to pay my bill. My credit card bill has been paid through automatic debit for years, but no longer.