
Sunday I got Paddy out for a very early walk, then met a fellow Shandon golfer at the golf club at 9:30 a.m. We drove to a neighbourhood near the marathon route then waited about 45 minutes until the two runners on our two relay teams appeared. On the left below is Ali, who did leg two with Paula. On the right is Marge--she and I did leg 3, which is four miles. My knee braces were to help me deal with four miles of pavement, given I usually do three miles on soft surface. I am also only just a little over a week post-Covid, so I hadn't done any training. I was a last minute addition to the team after a few people fell sick.

Marge and I pootled along, we were about the same speed. Then the 60 and 65-year-olds handed off to the 32 and 25 year olds (both have handicaps less than 10).

Then Marge and I had a very long walk back to the car, about 2.5 miles. Home, bit of a rest then got Paddy out. The two relay teams reconvened at Shandon for drinks at 3pm. After two hours or so, we ordered dinner. Imagine my surprise when I got a text at 6:20 pm that Christine was picking me up at 7pm to take me to dinner. She had suggested this weeks ago, and I had written it on my calendar. But in the excitement of birthday, rugby match, marathon, I managed to forget. Home, very quick change, and I was ready by 7pm.

Sneaky Christine said we were going to pick up Lynda. Here are Christine and Lynda. Lynda is mum to Maddie, one of Paddy's fave pals.

When I walked in the door, I was confronted by 22 people wishing me happy birthday!!!! Surprised isn't even the right word--stunned. I think of myself as a pretty low profile person--I'm an introvert after all. I would never have expected a large group of people to gather in my honour--it just blows my mind.

There was lots and lots of food, so I had to do my best, after having had a big bowl of pasta at the golf club. I felt terrible that I had forgotten, especially when everyone went to so much trouble. I write things on a wall calendar, but I look at that calendar only Monday to Friday. A lot happened between Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon and my mind did not retain my schedule (is being 60 an excuse?).

After everyone had their fill of the buffet, we moved on to dessert--which was fruit, chocolate mousse, and an amazing roll up of crumbled cookies and cream. Then cake is apparently its own course, separate from dessert. I was told repeatedly to wait until after dessert to cut the cake, which I found confusing. Lynda is a very talented baker and created a masterpiece--with Paddy on top!

On my birthday post is a photo of all the cards and presents I got. Sunday night was more cards, more presents. I feel not just spoilt but overindulged. I'm just really touched that people take the time to buy cards and presents specifically tailored to me, for instance Springer themed items or a card saying you are never too old to put on lycra and be fabulous--I really liked that one. Andrew painted me a picture of Glenveagh in Donegal.

Here are some of my Stormont parkrun walking buddies, Hilary, Louise and Paula--who gave me some very bright golf balls!

Here I am with my good buddies Eddis and Thea.

Christine took 35 photos, I'm sharing only 7. Below is Christine with Susan and the other Hilary, Christine's husband Andrew over Hilary's shoulder.

I remember a year ago when I got citizenship on my birthday remarking on the many many ways my move across an ocean with all my worldly goods, a dog and two cats has beeen confirmed as the right move. I was so happy in Northern Ireland as a teenager, primarly because of the sense of community I felt in Derry, which was almost palpable. I never got that in the states. I don't see the US as a place where people have a lot of time for each other. Here they do and it is so much easier to make friends and feel part of something. Obviously I'm making some big generalistions but, after 60 years, I get to!!

A quick recap of Monday (which was a bank holiday): Up early with the dog. Then at the golf course for 18 holes with my friend Marian by 9:30 a.m. I tried to tidy the house a bit Monday afternoon then back to the club for a 7pm lesson aimed at the (many) women trying to get on the Challenge Cup team. As it happens, I won today's competition, so that should help. My handicap came down 0.8 after the last competition and should fall again, so that should help me at least be reserve on the team.

What a weekend it has been!!! I'm calling in sick tomorrow to recover because I am knackered.

May 1-2