Morning magic

I ran this morning for the first time in nearly two weeks and, because of the new job and Mr. Paddy puppy, I ran really early, just before sunrise (which actually isn’t that early here this time of year). I couldn’t get over the gorgeous hues of blue. Something like a turquoise at the horizon quickly graduating to a midnight blue. I really should run more at this time. It was spellbinding.
As if that weren’t enough morning magic, I saw little tiny bright lights bobbing around on the dark ground. This would be dogs with lights on their collars running around in the park. Which brought back wonderful memories of Christmas 1999, my first in Pennsylvania, when my friends Joe, Carlos, and Brian came to visit, bringing glow in the dark collars for Bill and Darby. There was a foot of snow on the ground and we were out sledding around midnight, a bit tipsy, and enjoyed the site of Chinese lanterns floating around in the dark, as Bill and Darby ran up and down the hill. One of my best Christmases ever. Speaking of dogs:

Dec. 3