
Since my return from Yorkshire there has been a lot of PRI work and a lot of golf and a lot of rain. We do get the occasional nice day but cool, rainy weather has predominated.

I finally made it to two festival events – one session in a pub that was part of Belfast Tradfest and a concert at Queen's University. This is BIIRD, founded by a woman who wanted a trad version of the Spice Girls. The band of 11 women was very very good, they wore terrific outfits and the animation was cool.

The founder said there is so much talent in Ireland that she wanted to showcase designers and artists as well as the music.

There were set dances going on in the audience, which were fun to watch. Bringing up to the present, Friday 2 August was Lady Captain's Day – here's me with Lady Captain's decorated buggie. Sadly no birdies for me.

Saturday was lying around reading while recovering from a hangover. Sunday was lunch at a neighbour's house, which was a lot of fun because I got to hang out with her and her interesting friends. There were two judges, two lawyers and one pharmaceutical rep. They were a lively bunch and really interesting to chat to. I hope I get invited back!

I spent today editing slides about how infrastructure investors incorporate ESG risks into their investment process, pre- and post-investment. It is incredibly dull and there's an avalanche of work coming behind it. I'm seriously worried about my ability to keep up over the next few months. And my attitude is darkening because they have layered on ridiculous and redundant admin to track our work. I'm trying to get an accountant to help me understand the UK-US tax treaty so I can have a better idea about when I can afford to retire. This task is becoming more urgent!

14 July - 5 August