
Ageing is an interesting process. I mentioned a while ago that I’d like to take up golf. I haven’t pursued it because I did something to mess up my tricky shoulder and was in a lot of pain for a week. I decided I need to start swimming again to get my shoulder in shape for golfing. I haven’t had time to start swimming so no golf for me.

For the past two months the soles of my feet have become increasingly painful. David says it’s plantar fascitis (sp?). All I know is it is often painful to walk. My heels are particularly tender. So this week I’ve stopped running and started cycling.

Maybe the trick to ageing gracefully is to substitute one thing for another. Cycling is really easy on the joints, as is swimming. I prefer running because it’s easy. No worries about flat tires. No need to remember your towel and shampoo when you go to the pool. Just go out the front door and run for a half hour. I’m hoping a few weeks off my feet mean I can return to running. And it’s reassuring to think that if all else fails, I can swim. I really enjoy swimming, it’s just inconvenient.