
I haven’t been feeling my best for nearly two weeks. Mostly OK during the day but terrible sore throats at night. I haven’t been running or swimming. I played golf once last week but I haven’t played so far this week. I haven’t been to swing dance.

It’s at this stage that I ask myself, am I not active because I don’t feel well? Or do I not feel well because I’m not active? I’m never sure when I’ve crossed that line.

I thought about going to a driving range today but I had a crick in my neck. I think when I stop being active, I’m more vulnerable to all kinds of aches and pains. It makes me realise that it’s dangerous to get off the exercise treadmill because it’s hard to get back on. I can see how people get out of the habit of exercise because of one thing after another, and then they sort of forgot that they ever did it.

And now for more produce from the Autumn Fair. This could make a lovely stew:

Luscious leeks.

Variegated violets.
