stress X 3

The second thing I'm stressed about is can I do the work? Because I've had SO many problems registering and then changing classes (via two entirely separate systems) once I could actually read the course descriptions, I'm behind in three classes. Each course has an ambitious list of readings. I'd say half the readings sail over my head and were not what I had in mind when pursuing business and human rights. The course descriptions are high level and inspiring: the reality is quite different. Here's an excerpt from a 50-page article I'm reading now:

"The firm has the opportunity to take one of two mutually exclusive equal cost investment opportunities, each of which yields a random payoff, Xj, T periods in the future(j= 1,2). Production and monitoring activities take place continuously between time 0 and time T, and markets in which the claims on the firm can be traded are open continuously over this period. After time T the firm has no productive activities so the payoff Xj includes the distribution of all remaining assets. For simplicity, we assume that the two distributions are log-normally distributed and have the same expected total payoff, E(X), where X is defined as the logarithm of the final payoff. The distributions differ only by their variances with ai < a~. The systematic or covariance risk of each of the distributions, fJj, in the Sharpe (1964) - Lintner (1965) capital asset pricing model, is assumed to be identical. Assuming that asset prices are determined according to the capital asset pricing model, the preceding assumptions imply that the total market value of each of these distributions is identical, and we represent this value by V."

I should add that I'm paying a lot of money for the pleasure of reading 50 pages of the above.