
This week I’ve been working on case studies of utilities that are transitioning to a low-carbon business model. More interesting than it sounds. Did you know that Denmark is the world leader in building offshore wind parks?

I wrote earlier that the average European uses 6000 watts of power per day--HALF the average American. Putting casinos in Nevada wasn’t a great idea, IMHO. Anyway, the City of Zurich has set a goal of reducing avg. energy use to 2000 watts per day, which is what the average citizen there used in the 1960s. More power to them--using less power.

I took a break to go to Storehouse with church friends Anne and Ken Steele. They go to this warehouse every week to collect food for Nicras, which serves refugees and asylum seekers. I learned the ropes so I can relieve them. Ken has had a series of health issues, including heart surgery, and the way Anne cares for him is lovely. She’s so attentive to him and protective of him. He’s a lucky guy.