Sticking plaster

I listen to BBC Radio Ulster not because I like the music (sometimes country!) but because I love Ulster accents and Ulster idiom. One of the things that cracked me up today was the discussion over how the Ulster government is borrowing $100 million pounds from the U.K. Treasury to resolve a deficit. One of the opponents of this plan said it was just a sticking plaster. In the U.S., we would say BandAid. I don't know why the phrase sticking plaster cracks me up, but it does.

One of the shows is hosted by Uncle Hugo, whom I met during a tour of the BBC studios. He is an irrepressibly jolly man who spends much of his air time sending out birthday wishes and anniversary wishes and best-luck wishes on behalf of hundreds of callers and texters. Sample: "Joe Fitzgerald is in the Ulster Hospital for a hip replacement and his son Eammon would like to wish him a speedy recovery. All together now: Hip Hip Hooray! for Joe" It's total cornball and I love it. Hugo just revels in Ulster idiom and he piles it on with a thick Ulster accent.