Stevie the hedgehog

In the Tuesday competition, I had a very good round, with the result that my handicap was cut a full point. I'm down to 33.7, or 10 points down from a year ago. I also had a massage on Tuesday and I think that is the reason I played so well-very loose shoulders and a zen frame of mind .

I was meant to have a match on Wednesday evening but my opponent forfeited. I had another match on Friday evening--match play against Aoife. I won on the 13th. I played better than I ever have before and she was highly annoyed. Because my handicap is a lot higher than hers, she had to award me shots, which made it difficult for her to win when I was playing better than my handicap.

On Tuesday, there was something small and black moving in a circle in the distance on the 16th hole. We thought it was a metal figure circling on a ring. As we neared it, we realised it was a hedgehog running frantically in circles. We didn't know what to do. One of the players called someone who lives near the course, who came and got it, put it in a small bed in her kitchen, and fed it dog food. Eventually a hedgehog rescue person came and took it to the vet. It was named Stevie because they think he's blind. Apparently running in circles is a typical mating behaviour of hedge hogs.

On Thursday I went for an xray of my knees. It took me 10 minutes to cycle to the hospital. I was in and out in 25 minutes. And 10 minutes home. I love the NHS. No forms to fill out. The only questions I answered, twice, was DOB and address. It's just so efficient.

I also got a hair cut this week. My hair dresser uses hot tongs to straighten my hair, so she can cut it w/o washing it. I sent this photo to my mom and she said she only recognised me b/c of the wallpaper!

w/c 13 June