Stag do

Last week, police shot and killed a stag that was running around East Belfast. That doesn’t happen every day. I was driving home from the pool--I finally went swimming!!--and I saw a large body on the Comber Greenway, the rail-to-trail path David uses to cycle to work. Police were guarding the entrance to the greenway from the ring road--a busy four-lane road. I guess when a stag is in rut, he goes a wandering and is very excitable, leading to this lovely creature’s death. More here.

I spent most of today editing a 64-page academic paper on competition law in Poland. I’ve already been through it twice--I edited the body of it when it was 38 pages, then I went through and did the footnotes. Now I’m editing additional chapters. Here’s the intro to one of the new chapters:

"This section analyses competition law enforcement in Poland in three principal areas: abuse of dominant position, anticompetitive agreements, and mergers. It outlines the characteristics and shortcomings of each. While the agency was successful in sanctioning anticompetitive unilateral conduct from its early days, its record in relation to anticompetitive agreements, especially cartels, is disappointing. Sufficient skills to detect cartels have not been developed.”

It is really tedious work. I have to close Paddy in the kitchen and sit in a quiet room to focus on it. The good news is I will make enough off this project to pay for Paddy and then some!