St. Pat's

There were all kinds of events on in Belfast today--a parade, an outdoor concert, lots of music in the pubs. I didn’t go to anything. I had the same feeling I have on New Year’s Eve--I should do something. The older I get, the more I give in to my introvert, who says: Do you really want to be shoved around in a crowd at a parade? Do you really want to be in a loud, crowded bar with drunk people? Do you really want to deal with traffic jams? Add to this the fact that the weather was horrible today, truly horrible, and it was an easy call to do house projects and catch up on e-mails.

Last night I did go out--I saw English comic Eddie Izzard at The Mac. He did three shows back to back in German, French, and English. So, he’s pretty smart. A lot of his humour revolves around historical figures and rituals. You wouldn’t think human sacrifice or dressage would be fertile ground for comedy but, in his hands, hilarious.