St. Malachy's

We went to mass at one of my favourite churches.

Close-up of floor.

Mom was duly impressed.

The ceiling is described as an upside down wedding cake.

One of the altar servers had the most beautiful dark red hair.

We met a woman who had cleaned at the church for 30 years as a volunteer. She was eager to tell us the church had won an architecture prize and had been visited by Prince Charles as a result. She took us to see the statue of St. Joseph Benedict, a Frenchman who renounced his wealth and took a vow of poverty. There are relics of six saints under the statue. She said it’s the only statue of this saint in Ireland and people from all over the island come here to light a candle. He is said to grant wishes.

After church we had a tapas meal at the Barking Dog then went to an antique show at a hotel. Which brings back lots of memories for mom, who used to do a lot of antique shopping in the 1970s.
The rest of the day was reading papers and watching TV--I’m introducing mom to the new Great British Bake-Off, with Prue Leith and two new comedians. The show switched channels and has a new cast, with the exception of old blue eyes, Paul Hollywood.