Spring cleaning

I really must put up a photo of my new study, which is at least a month old. Finishing that room unleashed a lot of unpacking and rearranging of books and files. In turn that unleashed a reorganising of what was left in the attic spaces. Today was a dusty, tiring day that ended in the knowledge that the house is much more organised--such a great feeling.

I forgot to mention that out of the hundreds of events tied to the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival, we made it to one on Friday night, a rocking rockabilly band. Unfortunately there was an opening band (also very good), so by the time the feature band came on, I was soon wanting to go home. Partly because it was nearing my bedtime and partly b/c I can’t handle the sound--SO loud. Here’s a description of the band, which is based in Zurich:

The Hillbilly Moon Explosion are a pan-European rock’n’roll band with much flair and a fast growing fan-base. They’re fronted by the Italian-Swiss songstress Emanuela Hutter and English exile singer and slap bassist Oliver Baroni, ably backed by English guitarist Duncan James and Swiss drummer Luke 'The Puke' Weyermann.