Spring Bank Holiday

Another 3-day weekend. There are two in May in the UK for some reason. My niece Emma arrives on June 2 so this weekend was spent whipping into a shape a house that has suffered from golf-related neglect.

Saturday up to Carryduff to a lumber yard looking for moulding to match the picture rail in the upstairs lounge. Then Saintfield to get my mower back. Then a nursery centre near Carryduff. Then Ann's in Stranmillis for a luxurious sit-down-and-chat session. So nice to sit still and catch up with Ann in her gorgeous garden. Next home for lunch and to collect Paddy. Onwards to Dundonald to collect a framed photo, then to Helen's Bay to go swimming with Paddy. All of the towns I visited are in different directions, so I was really glad to get out of the car. Once home I began hoovering, dusting, folding laundry, etc.

My reward for the above was a hike on Sunday at Murlough Bay.

This hike was with the NI Hiking and Photography Group, which I haven't been out with in ages. Some of them are training for a hike in Nepal, so the hikes have become very ambitious. Plus I have to find cover for Paddy. Below is the beach at Murlough Bay, with Fairhead in the very far distance.

The trip was meant to be 10 miles. Halfway in we were back at the car park--we had done a loop around Murlough and had another loop at Fairhead still to do. I decided to go home at this point.

I did sort of agonize over the decision. It was a beautiful day, I had a Paddy sitter lined up, and I love Fairhead. It was a rare day out. On the other side, it was very hot and the Fairhead hike would be in full sun. I'm leery of getting too much sun. Also, the group stopped a lot for 10-15 minute breaks and the 25 people included some very slow walkers. I don't want to do a five hour hike in, say, seven hours. Particularly when I have a lot to do at home. So I bailed and drove the 1.5 hours home.

Given how lovely the first half of the hike was, I can't say I felt too deprived. So I went home and planted things I bought a few weeks ago, mowed the lawn, weeded, watered 22 pots, etc.

You can rent the cottage that these outbuildings belong to. A long walk, however.

After the hike I went into Ballycastle for an ice cream. It seemed only fitting. This is Fairhead from the other side of Murlough.

And some boats.

I played 18 holes of golf Monday morning, put two coats of stain on the floor in the new upstairs lounge (the section where the wardrobe had been), rented a Rug Doctor and cleaned all the rugs including the runners on the stairs, mopped the floors, did two loads of laundry, and hand washed three dog beds. The hot weather this weekend has made it easier to dry rugs, dog beds, laundry outside.

May 29-31