
I went to a dinner party tonight at my friend, Sophie’s. I met Sophie on a hike and have enjoyed getting to know her and, tonight, her friends. A really interesting group of people. It’s such a treat to be at a party with 10 interesting women, particularly when the hostess is a fantastic cook. There were five dishes for the vegetarians, four for the meat eaters, and two desserts. I can’t imagine how long she’d been cooking. I told the guests that if I were hosting there’d be a delivery of vegetarian pizza and pepperoni pizza. End of story.

I rolled out of there and took a cab cross-town to a swing dance. I got in six dances before quitting time. I love dancing so much that I lie in bed at night and review who I danced with and how we danced. I have good nights and bad nights and tonight was a good night. A good lead-follow ratio, which makes it easier to dance more. I came home with Maria--she of the Portrush visit. She’s spending the night with me so she doesn’t have to drive back to Portrush.

My goal for the year was to have more of a social life and, thanks to swing dance and to Sophie, I finally feel like I’m making progress.