Social graces

I am happy to report three upcoming opportunities to hang with old friends. Saturday I’m going to Dublin for the day, where I’ll have lunch and hang out with Theresa Conroy and her husband. Theresa taught yoga at Vanguard for many years -- really her class was the highlight of my working week. Her husband writes a column for beer enthusiasts and leads beer tours to places with good beer (Belgium last year, Ireland this year). Theresa is a former inky (newspaper reporter), which is partly why I appreciate her earthy humour, respect for language, and complete dedication to her craft.

Halloween weekend I’ll be in Derry, which has become Halloween central in Northern Ireland. And at Christmas, my friends Joe and Carlos will be visiting. David will be in the states visiting his children, so Joe, Carlos and I will get up to no good I’m sure. I’ve already lined up David and Stuart to make Christmas dinner. They love to entertain and they love Americans and I hate to cook, so this is a perfect set up.

I’ve spent all week in the unfinished middle bedroom working on multiple freelance assignments, so these are the things that keep me going.