Smile pretty

I had two Skype interviews today. One with two people in Edinburgh that lasted 45 minutes and another with two people in London that lasted 90 minutes. Imagine trying to stay on your toes that long, having quick, thoughtful, revealing but not too revealing answers to each of the dozens of questions. “Can you recall a situation that you handled badly?” That kind of thing. “What suggestions would you make to improve our website and our Twitter feed?” Um, like I’ve barely looked at the site and never seen the Twitter feed. “What were your impressions of COP21 when it ended and what do you think now?” “What kinds of writing give you the most satisfaction?”

These two jobs are as different from each other as two jobs could possibly be. I don’t want to go into details because I want to see whether I’m offered either position. I think I handled myself pretty well, but I’ve thought that before and still been rejected. Wait and see.