
That's what you get when progress is slow. After three coats of stain on the master bedroom floor, the plan was to furnish it, set up the bed, organize our dressers, and live a bit more normally. Then we decided we should paint the wall behind where the bed will go, then we decided we should paint all the walls (and therefore trim).

In other words, we'll be in the trundle beds and living out of suitcases for a while longer. I have all the wallpaper off and I've primed the trim (a lot of new trim was added--skirting boards and paint rail). Now we're in the process of removing glue, spackling holes, sanding, wiping down walls. The wall to the left has been replastered. There used to be a built-in wardrobe along that wall. Once it was removed, the wall and the ceiling trim and the ceiling needed a lot of work. Once everything is spackled and smooth, we will prime and paint the walls a color and the trim gloss white. I estimate at least another week of work just in this room. In a perfect world, we would take the wallpaper off the ceiling (it is gone down the left side and cracked elsewhere) but there is a limit to how long I want to camp.
While I've focused on the bedroom, David has primed and painted the kitchen. The cupboards come in a week so the ceiling and walls need to be done.