Slow weekend

After all the running around to prepare for the party, I took it easy this weekend. I walked Paddy at Redburn forest one day.

Another day he got soaked:

Mom requested photos of the new sunroom so I took some better ones. This is the hallway from the original house leading to the sunroom. Kitchen on the right, new storage room behind the wall on the left.

Back of the sunroom:

Front of the room, facing the kitchen.

The neighbours enjoyed seeing the final result. We all have similar houses but have taken a wide range of approaches to modernising/extending. My approach would be quite modest. It's more common to knock down the wall separating the kitchen from the sunroom and extending back into the garden. But I certainly don't need more space and I don't like a massive room.

Weekend highlight was seeing the winner of the international film festival – Goodbye Julia, out of Sudan. It was a very good and very clever film, lots of plot twists. The story of two women drawn together by a tragic accident plays out against the backdrop of South Sudan seceding from Sudan. Lots of tensions between muslims and Christians.

Nov. 11-12