Sixty, the new 40

What can I say, I don't feel 60. I should qualify that--my knees feel at least 60. But the rest of me hasn't bought into this entering a new decade concept.

I took the day off and went for a hike with three neighbours. Valerie drove so I got to sit back and enjoy the view, which is spectacular as you approach the Kingdom of Mourne through green patchwork valleys. We hiked up Slieve Loughshannon and then up Doan and circled back.

It was a perfect way to spend a birthday--shy of being on a 10 day hike in Peru. However not so sure about carrying a full pack eight hours a day (knees again). Here's the Mourne Wall.

Which provided shelter for birthday cake!

I was meant to get a hair cut last week, however I had to cancel due to Covid. This was the view at lunchtime:

I'm more accustomed to the Mournes being covered in heather bloom but I guess it's a bit early.

We had a gorgeous dog with us, Hilary's dog Dugg, a poodle crossed with a Gordon setter. An amazing big strong black dog. There was a hole in the Mourne Wall for Dugg to go through.

After the hike I received visitors and phone calls and texts and Facebook messages. My day began with a call from mom, who was up at 3 a.m. to wish me a happy birthday. In the evening off to Shandon for five holes of golf with two other players wanting to be on the Challenge Cup team, and a co-captain who taught us the ropes with regard to match play. It's a bit of a mind game in addition to the normal challenges of playing good golf.

I have received three birthday cakes today and have put a dent in two of them before and after golf. I've been on the go so much today that I have only briefly reflected on the very long list of gifts that make up my life. High on the list is an amazing collection of friends who took the time to wish me a happy birthday.

I think I have 12 cards that each reference a 60th birthday--but no two the same. What are the odds of that? Eddis also gave me a beautiful big hanging basket, which will go out front once the nighttime temperature rises. I feel so lucky to have landed exactly where I did--on a very friendly street in a very friendly country. My family extends to my mom, being estranged from my sister, so my friends are critical to my mental health and I cannot say enough how grateful I am to have them in my life.

April 27