I kicked off this week's three-day weekend on Thursday night by going to see Joyride with my friend Eddis. It's an excellent buddy film starring Olivia Coleman and a young boy from Ireland--a big new talent. Lovely dinner afterwards at an Italian place.

Friday was golf in the morning then errands with no less than eight stops. Three were at different stores trying to find two black rubber strips to go under a French door. Just the tedious kind of stuff I hate. I'd already been to two other stores in search of same. My reward in the evening was to see Six, sold out for four nights at the Grand Opera, which looks like this.

It's a muscial that tells the stories of Henry VIII's six wives. The singers had wonderful voices, the choreography was excellent, it was funny, the costumes were cool--it had it all. A thoroughly entertaining evening. Kind of like Muldoon's Picnic, I didn't know what to expect and was just delighted by  every minute of the performance.

Saturday walked Paddy in heavy rain with fellow fools then coffee at Claire's. Then visited Lynda to deliver a birthday present (more tea and buns). Then took it easy in the afternoon/evening, reading a really good book.

Sunday morning an early swim with my buddy, who is in the distance, raring to go.

Then home for a quick change then up to Ballyclare to play a round with members of the Ballyhackamore Golf Society, followed by dinner. The sun was out on the last few holes and I got a bit more sun than I can handle. I am biding my time until I can go to bed b/c I'm knackered.

Work was stressful last week because I'm crawling my way through a 33 page paper on pursuing net zero strategies in multi-asset portfolios. It was written by a consultant, which is never a good thing. I'm on page 20 and I'm not sure another week will be enough to set it right. There's the line edits (what I'm doing now) then the structural edit. It's just very slow work. Puzzling over each sentence to try to understand what the intended meaning is, then rewriting it. I have a 3pm meeting tomorrow to work with the project owner on the many sentences that are beyond me. I have no idea what the point is. I've farmed out the shorting and derivatives section to Jasmin, after having a first go, as she is more au fait in that world. So that is what I'm thinking about as my fantastic weekend ends, instead of savouring what wonderful experiences I've had.

One final note. Today was the sprint triathlon in Donaghadee. I had hoped to compete in that. Instead I'm doing daily rehab to get my knees working properly again.

21 August