Sinking feeling

There’s been some post-Christmas shopping, lots of food, laughter, many hours spent learning how to use the Fire tablet. It’s really cool that you can ask Alexa to play music, to set a timer, to tell a joke. I think she’s a brilliant addition to any home with an older person in it. I’m setting up a directory of phone numbers so mom can ask Alexa to call people.
At night mom and I read books, neither of us fussed about turning on the TV. We are two highly compatible people. Which is lovely for both of us.
Today’s big accomplishment was removing the dish detergent pump dispenser from the sink and replacing it with another. Trickier then it sounds because the garbage Disposall was in the way, as were the controls under the sink for the hot and cold water. As I worked on it, I remembered that, as a kid, I wanted to be the man of the house. I didn’t think my dad was a very good husband (he wasn’t), so I would wash mom’s car inside and out, and I’d take her sewing machine apart, clean it, and put it back together. I cleaned the kitchen a lot. Getting the sink sorted took me back to my childhood.
It was refreshing to think of myself as someone who figured things out and fixed things. I think as long as I’ve been married to David, I’ve been happy to let him sort out anything I found complicated or tiresome. As I’m learning with Alexa, and the sink flange, I can figure out plenty for myself. It is so much better to see yourself as capable than helpless. I really need the former identity to sink in (LOL) as I take on coordination of a global climate campaign.
My pet sitter sent me this:

Be still my beating heart.
December 26, 27