Sick bed

When I returned to Belfast on the 9th, I spent most of the next two weeks in bed. I put in my three days a week for Preventable Surprises. Sort of. In addition, I had three files due for my quarterly performance writing gig the day after I got back from Barcelona. I can’t catch a break.
My big accomplishment over the two weeks was cleaning out 100s of e-mails from two e-mail accounts. I read and deleted lots of stuff in my work email account and I read or simply deleted the professional type e-mails I get in my home account (daily e-mails from Responsible Investor about developments in the ESG world--environmental, social, governance).
Usually I start the year with resolutions and a bit of excitement and energy. It was strange to begin the year with a vacation. When I returned from Barcelona, I not only had no energy, I had fever, aches, constant coughing, exhaustion, and mental weirdness--after days and days of illness, I felt mentally fragile.
BUT I do have e-mail accounts with no extraneous crap. And that is something.