The elusive poppy

Today is the beginning of a four day weekend--a bank holiday with a bonus day off to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee--70 years on the throne. The day began at 6 am with a long walk for Paddy. At 8 am I was on the road to Carryduff to Rockmount Golf Course for a lesson with Geoff. We focused entirely on the short game--chipping onto the green. Based on what he taught me, I have been doing everything wrong. This should help my game progress because I lose a lot of shots as I get near the green. As in, hitting short of the green or hitting past it.

After the lesson, I went to one of my favourite gardens, the walled garden at Rowallane. I had a hot chocolate and scone, toured the garden, and then bought some plants.

Does that gate not beckon? I always buy plants when I'm at the National Trust because they often have interesting varieties. On the radio more than a month ago I heard they were dividing the blue Himalayan poppies at Rowallane--stunning flowers. I didn't think there'd be any left, however there were three pots. I bought two pots, 22 pounds each!

Here they are in situ, however this photo is a bit out of focus.

I have some ideas for improving the back garden at my house--which is always a sorry site after Rowallane. My friend Valerie stopped by and gave me more ideas. I'm excited about making some changes, but not sure where the time will come from.

In addition to the poppies, I bought some flag irises to add to the front garden and some pink cow parsley.

Tonight I went into town to a swing dance lesson--something I haven't done in years. The teacher who started Swing Belfast moved to Texas (long story) and is back in town after four years away. He gave the lesson and it was fun to try to get my feet working again and to see so many old friends. This weekend is the Open House Festival in Bangor and there will be a lot of opportunities for swing dance. I'd like to go at some point, if I'm not tired out.

Thursday June 2