Shim Sham

I spent today in Portrush, a seaside town on the North Antrim coast, complete with arcade games, pizza shops, ice cream, and places selling plastic buckets and shovels. It’s like the Ventnor or Margate of my childhood.
I took three swing dance classes--six count, shim sham, and eight count. From 10:30 until 5. I was absolutely knackered. But it was great fun. I danced as a lead instead of a follow during the morning class, which was really interesting. I don’t think I’m a terribly good follow, so it was good to walk a mile in the lead’s shoes, so to speak.

During a break, I took a few photos of Portrush beach and a watering hole where kids jump off the rocks into the water, as a boy here is about to do.

I left the house at 7 am (taking a bus downtown and then an 8:10 train to Portrush) and didn’t get home until 8:30 pm. Here is the view from the platform of the Portrush train station:

It was fun listening to the kids screaming on the rides.
