Sheina is a swing dancer

The title is my lame play on a song title: "Sheena is a punk rocker." My friend Sheina turned 60 recently and Saturday night was her birthday party. I know her from swing dance, from which I've been absent for about four years, but they were kind enough to invite me anyway. It was so much fun to see the old swing dance crowd. I got in four dances, all very good fun. But also fun to catch up on everyone's news.

Of course there was golf on Friday and Sunday. The big accomplishment this weekend was assembling things. First, my new golf trolley, parked next to its rusting, rickety predecessor, given to me by a friend. This was a birthday present to myself that has been awaiting assembly.

Next up were two pieces of furniture from IKEA. I'm really bad at understanding instructions so I was very pleased to pull this off. I bought these to test whether the dimensions of the sunroom that will be part of the conservatory conversion will be big enough. The chair and ottoman confirmed the dimensions are right so I'm hoping for final drawings soon from the architect, so we can get on with this.

I also listed two of four pieces of furniture that I want to sell on a classified site, no takers so far. I'm trying to get the conservatory cleared out so less work when construction gets underway. Here's my old  kitchen table, with a Dutch cupboard in the back. I'm sorry to see them go but they've never really fit in in this house.

19-21 May