Settling in

Today I unpacked three out of five suitcases that I used to move here from Crawfordsburn (David very nicely let me use all the luggage to move while he used garbage bags--he doesn't care much about clothes). I'm trying to blend the packed clothes with the stuff that was in storage (mostly suits). It's confusing because my wardrobe used to be split into the fall/winter line and the spring/summer line. One set of clothes available, one in the attic.

Here, I realize I don't need the really warm stuff (thermal underwear, heavy sweaters) and I don't need the summery dresses and filmy tops and short shorts. Nor do I need the suits as I'm not working in an office. What I do need are some each of winter, spring, summer and fall. You don't get extremes here but you do get a lot of variation. One season doesn't settle in for a few months--one season can last a few hours. So it makes organizing closets and drawers tricky, never mind planning what to wear if you'll be out a while.