Semester Two

Yesterday was the first day of classes. This semester I'm to select three optional modules out of a possible 23. So many of them are interesting that it is very hard to narrow the list. The semester is divided into two six-week periods. My plan is to audit a class during each of the six weeks, so I really need to narrow my list of seven to five. I went to the first class last night, environmental justice, and it was very good. Much focus on how the U.S. tends to site landfills, hazardous waste, chemical plants etc. in black neighborhoods or on reservations. The United Church of Christ got a big shout out for helping a black community in North Carolina convince the government that the distribution of landfill sites was racist.

Today I was to have attended a class at 10 a.m. I first went to the house to begin emptying furniture out of the conservatory and to talk to Ian. Ian wasn't there, I loaded the car and drove to Queen's. Part of the reason to take the train to Queen's is traffic is bad in the mornings and there is no parking around Queen's. I sat in traffic for 20 minutes this morning to get to the house from Crawfordsburn (the trip took 35 minutes instead of 15) and I drove around Queen's for 20 minutes looking for parking. I gave up and came home. So I may strike that class from my list of seven. For a stupid reason.

Our furniture arrived in port on Saturday. The moving company wants to deliver this Friday. The house is nowhere near ready. The daily demurrage fee at the quay is exorbitant. I'm meeting with Ian to beg for some room. I can clear out and clean up the conservatory (where everything is covered in a thick red dust from power sawing bricks). I think the guest bedroom is pretty much done. If he could get the master bedroom in decent enough shape (i.e. replace floorboards, finish plastering the walls), I think we'd have enough room to take our furniture. Fingers crossed.