Scottish independence and me

I haven't given a great deal of thought to the Sept. 18 referendum on Scottish independence. Those uppity Scots want to throw off the English yoke. I'm currently reading an economic history of Ireland, which highlights the degree to which Ireland was prostrated to the crown. I'm inclined to cheer the Scots on, however I, like everyone else in the British Isles, am not exactly sure what the fallout will be.

I do understand the immediate impact on me. We are in the process of wiring a pile of money to the U.K. in preparation to convert dollars to pounds in preparation to buy our house. The pound has been falling as the gap narrows between those voting against (the majority in all polls) and those voting for independence.

If independence wins, the pound will drop sharply. If independence fails, the pound will shoot up. Do you see our dilemma? The price of the house in pounds is fixed, however in dollars, the cost has fallen $28,000 in the last month. Do we convert now and reap that gain? Wait until Sept. 19 and hope Scottish independence wins the day? We could dollar-cost-average, as Vanguard suggests, however the price of transacting increases as the dollar amount converted decreases.

Do they cover this stuff on those international home buying shows?