Say Yes to the Guest, part 2

I got up at 4:30 this morning, finished my paper on Walmart, uploaded it to Queen's, walked her highness, finished vacuuming the house and fussing over the guest bedroom, then drove to Belfast Int'l Airport to collect our guests off the 9 a.m. flight (which departs Newark at something like 10 p.m., meaning it arrives at 4 a.m. EST). Anyway, Beth and Rob arrived none the worse for wear. They successfully bid on a week with us at last November's service auction at Main Line Unitarian Church. We'd never met them, so it's a fun experiment for all of us. David is still in the states so they are getting the second-string cook and navigator (I got lost on the way home from the airport, which David would never do). They took a nap, had lunch, then went for a very ambitious walk--about six miles from Cultra to Bangor on the Coastal Path. Cultra:

Approaching Bangor:


I really talked up the path because I think it is just lovely. They had dinner at the Salty Dog on the marina, which they enjoyed, then they took the train back to Sydenham, the station nearest our house, and I collected them. I'm pleased to say they enjoyed their first day here because I love sharing my enthusiasm for Ulster with first-timers.