Sanding, day two

I got artistic:

I spent years removing oriental bittersweet vines from my property in Pennsylvania. Some bright soul took cross sections of the vine bases, which have interesting colours, and laid them flat in an artistic arrangement. This is my homage to that person. Note the beautifully sanded floor--a real work of art.

Hey, check out that light fixture! Two electricans where there Saturday installing outlets and switches. They got four out of 12 lights hung. There were also two carpenters there. We were all tripping over each other. We move in a week from today. Ideally, all wallpaper would be stripped, walls painted, floors finished, in that order. The plasterer only finished a few days ago, which means the walls are still drying. The carpenters and plumbers have been busy all week and they aren't done. So we are focusing on the floors. Once they are done, we can begin moving furniture into rooms and unpacking a bit.

Here's our bedroom. Note the Lancaster County barn box covered in an inch of sawdust. Also, the chandelier, which I painted silver. It is now covered in sawdust, too. I got silver collars to put around each light from which I will hang crystal pendants to bling it up a bit.
David and I are so tired when we leave each day, we can barely get ourselved cleaned up enough to go to bed.