
Today was a 100% social day. As an introvert, these days wear me out but I’m very fond of the people I spent the day with so that certainly helps. We started on a failed quest to find an antique dealer mom used to buy from. Our hotel was a block from the Diamond, site of Derry’s War Memorial. Here’s Austin’s on the Diamond, a department store that closed recently, setting a record: "The store was established in 1830 and, until 2016, remained standing as the world's oldest independent department store”--Wiki.

We spent the first half of the afternoon with the O’Dwyers, Peggy and Sean. Mom and Peggy played golf together back in the day and did a lot of work with Save the Children. A lot of the chat was of people they used to know, what’s become of them, who lives where, who still plays bridge. A startling number have crossed the rainbow bride, as we say in pet land. Meanwhile Peggy and mom still play golf. We had a tour of the gardens, enjoyed a late lunch, then spent late afternoon with Mary Richmond, who used to clean the Americans’ houses. She served us strawberries and cream and we had a good catch up about her family and what’s become of the American families who used to live in Derry.
Back to the O’Dwyers and out to dinner at Saffron, an Indian fine dining restaurant opened by my schoolmate Suki Nagra. Excellent meal. Home to the O’Dwyers, who live in a mansion at the top of a hill with a spectacular view of Derry. I regret not taking a photo while I was there. The views from the upstairs bedrooms are stunning.