
After the violent coughing, aching, dizziness of Thursday through Saturday, I had a new set of symptoms Saturday night through today (Monday) of severe congestion, weakness, dizziness, inability to sleep, etc. I walked into the NHS clinic up the street and asked if they had any appointments. They had a cancellation in 45 minutes, so I met with the lovely Dr. MacAdam and she listened to my woes and my lungs. She gave me a prescription for amoxicillin and a steroid nasal spray--although she had no confidence that these would help. I went next door to the chemist and got the drugs. It is so bizarre that they hand you your prescriptions and you’re meant to walk out without paying anything. I actually asked a man in the store if I had it right that there was no charge. That’s right, no charge. Drugs are so expensive in the U.S. that it feels wrong not to fork over $80 to someone.