Running out of steam

I spent over three hours today painting the stairs to the guest bedroom--a grey runner up the middle with white on either side. It looks killer. Picture to follow at some point.
We had David and Stuart over for dinner to thank them for the many dinners they've hosted and for the breakfast they put on for Rob & Beth. In the past two weeks, David and Stuart were in Amsterdam for a few days then Stuart visited Krakow for a few days. They asked me how long it takes to get from New York to California and I said the flight is about six hours. David thought it was strange that you could fly six hours and be somewhere that people used the same currency and spoke the same language. "We could be in Russia in six hours," he said. Such an interesting perspective.

Mom arrives in the morning. The house is by no means perfect, but it'll do. After painting and cleaning all day, I collapsed into bed.