Running on empty

If I write two weeks of blog posts today, I’ll be caught up. That won’t happen, but I’ll try. Each will be written as if it were in real time.

I’ve had a sore throat for two days. I decided to do the Park Run 5K today to boost my immune system. (Wrong decision, as my cold got worse. Two weeks later, I’m only just coming out of it.)

I’ve been avoiding Park Run b/c I knew my time would be slower because my running hasn’t been consistent due to having company and traveling to London. Today’s time was 26 minutes, whereas my best so far this year was 24 minutes (and my goal is under 22 minutes). But I wasn’t disappointed with 26 minutes. I realised it isn’t the time but what it takes to finish. At 12 minutes, I decided to quit at 20 because I was really struggling. At 20 I decided I’d finish the lap I was on. At 23 I decided to try to pass the person in front of me. I didn’t think I could finish w/o walking but I did and I was proud of that, despite the time.