Rowallane Part 2

More from Rowallane:

I spent part of yesterday and most of today working in the garden. One of the tricks to creating a lovely garden is understanding how to mix colours and textures in such a way that you get four season interest.

I have to admit my approach is more throw it in the ground and hope for the best. If it doesn’t work, move it.

What you see above are two things. One is the string matrix David has built above freshly scattered grass seed to keep the neighbourhood cats at bay. The newly seeded ground covers areas that had had pavers, a fish pond, and a stone trough. Also an area that was lower than the rest of the garden. In addition you see the beginnings of a border garden.

Below is the far corner where a shed had been. It now has three hydrangeas and a tree peony.

All of that mess in the front is mostly ivy. Here’s a hedge before ivy removal:

And after ivy removal:

Our garden has nothing in common with the lovely Rowallane, however it now has an interesting selection of plants that, fingers crossed, will bloom into lovely borders.