GBBO sighting!

Today I did ParkRun--the timed 5K run offered every Saturday in parks around the UK and Ireland. On my run was none other than Andrew Smyth, one of the finalists on Great British Bakeoff two years ago.

I didn’t have a camera--or the nerve to ask him for a photo. After the race, he stood talking with his friends. I watched him for about 10 minutes and no one came up to him for a photo, which surprised me. Bake Off is a big deal here.
Another surprise, I came 83rd out of 200 runners while Andrew was 81st. He’s tall and young so I would expect him to be well ahead of a fogey like me, who isn’t in particularly good shape.

Afterwards, I went to Rowallane Garden’s annual plant sale.

I bought quite a few plants from the Irish Garden Plant Society. Then I walked around the grounds.
