
PRI closed its offices today to force everyone to take a day off. This is the second time they've done this. People aren't booking time off because they can't go anywhere. The result is a build up of stress, particularly for those schooling children at home. I can't imagine generating enough energy to do PRI work + be a teacher + be a parent + keep a house running. Cannot imagine.

I took advantage of the free day to book a ticket to a National Trust garden, where I admired the hellebores, AKA Christmas rose.

The flowers naturally droop on their stalks so I had to support their heads to reveal their beauty.

This one is a double hellebore.

My friend Eddis joined me and we had a lovely walk around the walled garden, then tea and buns, then a walk around one of the meadows. I definitely took a thrill from being out and about on a school day.

24 Feb.