
I'm on to the second week in November. I don't really remember what I did the first weekend. I know I've taken Paddy to dog training class two Saturdays in a row. It's time consuming but the hike in Roe Valley showed I need to get him under control on a lead. My shoulders have been hurting ever since I did side plank in Paris (second week in Sept) and fell while running in the U.S., second week in October. So having Paddy pull the arms off me isn't good.

Work was less stressful this week so I took two breaks to go into the city. On Wednesday I got wool socks for my neice who is studying at Edinbugh University--and is a bit cold. While in Belfast I went to the preview for Thursday's auction at Ross's. Which led me to go back Thursday and bid on a chest on chest dresser I saw that I liked. The idea is to replace a high boy in my bedroom that is hogging up too much space.

I've had a cold this past week so have been laying low, watching a lot of stuff on my laptop. A while ago I bought three Aynsley vases and have been putting them to good use with flowers from my garden.

Nov. 9