
My godmother is Rosemary Casey McMunigal, my mother's older sister. To say I adore her is an understatement. She retired in Media after a 50-year law career in Chester, Springfield and Media, practicing with her husband, Uncle Phil. She was active in a long string of causes revolving around Catholic hospitals and maternal care in Chester, serving on boards, recruiting doctors, establishing clinics. She is now 93 and only very recently has her keen mind faltered. Every time she saw me she gave me a book she wanted me to read and talked with great fervour about politics and history and where things are headed. When I lived in Pennsylvania, I visited her periodically and we had a high time solving the world's problems. Like all the Caseys, she's a great story teller, so I was in her thrall.

I was delighted yesterday when my friend Bobbi sent me a photo she had taken of my mom, Aunt Rosemary and me in 2006. It was Chester County Day and we had enjoyed seeing all the old houses in the area. I don't know if I'll see Aunt Rosemary again, so there is joy and sadness when I see this photo. My mom, on the other hand, will be here in slightly over a month, so I'm very excited about that.

Notice dear old Darby photobombing the shot. Anyway, I'm proud to be a part of the Casey lineage of strong women. I hope I can live up to their example.