Rory in all his glory

I spent the morning on fund commentaries and then met two friends from high school for lunch. On the way, I finally snapped a mural I've been meaning to upload.

Another angle:

I think that's my favorite building in the background.

This mural is on the corner of Damascus Street and Rugby Avenue. The next block is Jerusalem, which looks like this.

The next block is Palestine, which looks like this.

This area (Carmel and Cairo streets are nearby) is called the Holy Land. It was developed by a firm led by a devout Christian who had traveled throughout Egypt and Palestine. When he developed the area in the 1890s, he named the streets for places he had visited.

Most of these houses are inhabited by students and immigrants. There are quite a few people from the Middle East, which is a bit ironic.

After lunch, I visited another auction house, which has a "buy it now" feature. I bought two brass chandeliers for $60 each, a bargain considering most of the ones I've seen are more like $400-$500. I need five chandeliers for the house, so this was a good find.

David and I had dinner at our favorite place in Bangor, Teddy's, where I had parsnip and ginger risotto, beet and walnut salad, and winter greens (very nicely steamed savory cabbage and broccoli). We had had a wonderful meal there at Christmas and I asked if they still had any Christmas pudding. They did & so I had a post-holiday holiday luxury.