Roll up

Over the past three days, our pace has slowed vis a vis the west coast trip, however we are still getting around. On Thursday we visited David Arkley, my friend from church. He has a back garden full of potted flowering plants, where we had a nice chat. Friday we took a bus downtown and got a wheelchair, which lets mom expand her horizons. We toured the Titanic Memorial Garden at Belfast City Hall, which has the names of all who died--from hypothermia mostly, not drowning. I tried to get mom into St. Malachy’s Church, absolutely gorgeous inside, but there was a wedding on. Saturday’s highlights included the Linen Heritage Museum in Lisburn, driving a bucket of balls at a golf range (mom and I both hit a few), then using the wheelchair to cover a long stretch of the coastal path from Sea Park to Cultra. Sea Park has always reminded me of Atlantic City and I correctly guessed that mom would really enjoy getting some salt air in her lungs and listening to the lapping waves. I keep forgetting to charge my camera battery, so no pictures. I’m too frustrated by my phone’s upside photos to use it. I should have taken a photo of mom in the Hat Shop in Lisburn, where she tried on a few fascinators. We ended yesterday on the deck at the Dirty Duck having drinks and dinner. It’s right on the water, which continued mom’s experience of reliving her childhood on the beach.