Rich idiom

One of the things I loved about living in Derry in my youth was all of the colourful phrases. I still get a tickle out of a colourful turn of phrase. I’d like to capture some today, however I’ll barely scratch the surface. To save time, I won’t provide translations. Most are intuitive.

Cheap and cheerful
Horses for courses
I have time for him/I don’t have time for her
Fair play to him
Done and dusted
She could talk for Ireland/he could drink for Ireland
He’s made a rod for his back
Tits up
Pear shaped
Lost the plot
Tickety boo (cracks me up when serious politicians talk about something being tickety boo)
A dog’s breakfast
Couldn’t be arsed
Happy as Larry
Swings and roundabouts
Pipped at the post
Footballers’ wives