
We had a baptism at church on Sunday. A lesbian couple had their son Reuben dedicated and it was a wonderful service. I wish I took a photo. Reuben is the most adorable little boy and he melts my heart whenever I see him. He came to the church with great trepidation--very shy. Now, after the service, he and Preeti’s three kids run laps around the church and get up to all kinds of high jinx. Every Sunday during the children’s story he has to get up in front of the church with just a few other kids. When Rev. Chris asks him questions, he has an amazing amount of poise for someone who’s only five, give or take.

Today’s service also featured Northern Lights, a lesbian praise band. They have wonderful voices and are musically very talented. It’s still an adjustment for me to hear a lesbian band singing uptempo Christian songs because, in the states, I would expect that music to come from evangelical musicians who wouldn’t create quite the same vibe.