Return to reality

One more photo of Culdaff beach.

Yesterday started perfectly. I took two of Julie’s classes at U3A (University of the Third Age), one on mindfulness, one on yoga. I got a look at my future--Julie gave me a tour of the U3A building, where there are language classes, a computer lab, a craft room, an art gallery, a gym, and so on. U3A is aimed at people aged 50 and over, so I already qualify. And I have an in with one of the teachers.

After lunch I called in at Mary’s on the way home, the woman who used to clean our house in Derry. I lost track of time and hit the road for Belfast a half hour after I had intended. I had to collect Maysie from the kennel by 6 pm and I left at 3:50. I should have had enough time but I forgot what rush hour is like in Belfast. The whole drive home was stressful--undoing all my lovely mindfulness and yoga indulgences of the morning.