Reports Editor

I applied for an editing job at PRI last October. I was passed over in favour of a candidate with search optimisation and data analytic skills. The hiring manager said he wanted to hire me--due to my experience in financial writing and editing. But he was overruled by his boss, who is eager to measure usage of PRI's output.

The job was reposted last week--for a week only, internally only--and, at the urging of the hiring manager, I reapplied. Today I learned I got the job!! Not only that, but a 24% pay rise! I'm really excited to leave behind a job that is mostly clerical (but in service to something I think is very important) in favour of a job that makes use of decades of professional experience (and is in service to something I think is very important). I'm really excited by this turn of events. At my age, they should be putting me out to pasture, but instead I'll be taking on a role that uses old skills but in a new way.

I don't intend to work for many more years--minimum one, maximum three--and it's great to cross the finish line doing something I really enjoy instead of something that I often find vexing. My current job – steering committee coordinator for Climate Action 100+ – has a lot of elements. But one that has grown increasingly time consuming is answering queries to the info@climateaction email address. People wanting data, speakers, jobs, financing, and research support. And people wanting to join the initiative--requiring me to put them through a vetting process. I find it all terribly tedious. I think the isolation of the pandemic--and a few months of no running/swimming/hiking--have added to my irritation level.

I celebrated tonight by joining my friends Christine and Andrew up the street. Their two children and their childrens' friends were all in for a pizza night. It was a very festive way to mark the upgrade.

April 16